

1. 本網站所包含的資訊和材料僅供參考之用。

2. 儘管盈健醫療將盡一切合理努力確保本網站所提供的資訊和材料準確無誤,但所有的資訊和材料都是以「現狀」為基礎提供。盈健醫療將不對任何不準確、不真實或誤導性的資訊負責。

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Please read the following terms and conditions carefully. Human Health reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions from time to time without prior notice. If you do not accept the following terms and conditions, you should leave this website immediately.

1.    The information and materials contained in this website is presented for information purposes only. 
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3.    Some of the information and materials in this website may be provided by other individuals. These information and materials do not represent the views of Human Health and Human Health will not be responsible for the contents of the information and materials provided by these individuals. 
4.    Human Health is not responsible directly or indirectly, for any form of damage resulting from the use and/or misuse of information and materials contained in this website. 
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